Good show, Clause
Santa brought me a computer. Sorry Matt, its a Dell.
Sooner or later, this blog will no longer be serving a purpose, as will be back on track. Santa also brought me R Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet" DVD. Unfortunely, like the Matrix, no one can be told what this is. You have to see it for yourself, and then debate for the next few days on whether or not R Kelly was taking himself seriously when he made it.
I'm pretty jealous that you have the Trapped in the Closet DVD. I bet it's pretty epic. Oh, and R. Kelly is totally serious about it. Have you heard "sex in the kitchen"? Highly recommended.
Do you know who is one of the people who give the most money to the republican party? Mr. Dell himself.
Matt sounds like a really smart guy and I agree with him. I bet he gets all the chicks.
Hey anonymous, your grammer sucks. But I agree that Matt does probably get most, if not all of the chicks.
I'm guessing anon#1 heard that from me. Yes, I am aware Michael Dell is a butt. As is Pete Coors. So stay away from those computers and crappy beer if can. I blame Santa for my Maquina del Diablo, aka Dell computer.
taco bell also is a big republican contributer, so everytime btmd eats a chilito, i send a nasty letter to anne coulter. for a computer, you might have to send her a turd in a box.
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