No, Not Really.

"Should I have a blog?" - Monica Milbert.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


So the Real World.

Heres the thing about this season. We have the potential to top Vegas. If I were to go by the previews, I would say that Denver can only be described by making up a word. Something like volaspluptuous (an obvious combination of volatile, explosive, and veluptuous (sp)). BTMD has already pointed out that Tyrie is the name of the BA in the Chapelles Show spoof. Is this a coincidence or am I allowed to start stereotyping people named Tyrie? We also have an unstable sorority girl ("Let's make a pact, neither of us will hook up with anyone else for 24 hours") , a future porn star ("I'm like, oh my God, I'm having sex"), and an overwhelmed southern belle ("Guuuyyyys! Stooopppp! Pleeeaaassee!). Rounding out the guys we have the token gay ("HIT ME NOWWWWWWW!") , the bigot (a black guy???), and the frat boy (who would not make the aforementioned pact). Alls I know is I after last week's Duel between Derek the Bridesmaid and Wes the Howthehellareyouwithfineassjohanna, I don't know if I have the energy to cover both these shows. Way too much volaspluptuousness.


At 8:50 AM, December 13, 2006, Blogger joe said...

dan, you could totally be a writer for taco bell commercials.

wes crying was the best. what a dink. and i like how derek losing that duel was going to make him reasses his entire life.

has anyone watched 24-7? that show will make you hate people.


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